获满分 怎样的英语能力才能写好实效性 新闻性 趣味性 大考英语实战文

  获满分 怎样的英语能力才能写好实效性 新闻性 趣味性 大考英语实战文



  应试教育毕业生具备怎样的英语能力才能成功写作出即时性的英语作文,这是英语老师及其毕业生值得思考的一个课题。下面就“2023年7月 29和30日396列车因水害路基有两处塌方而被迫长时间停车,乘务员赵阳及其同事耿毅的事迹”用英语写英语作文,作一报道如下:

  “Employees with China’s railway takes people's life and safety as the first-order priority, keeping in mind a greatly excellent service to offer to all of you”Ms. ZHAO Yang one of the train attendants spoke in a choked voice to passengers,“Getting off the train, I saw two lands sliding downward, which I feel so much in fear.”she added“I together with my fellows walk for 700- or 800-meter distance, to bring something basical to eat, that is made available for you all of passengers.”she also says repeatedly.

  “Big crowd is expected not to be collected here at the small dinning room, without appearing at risk in any case. About his, do you hear clearly?”, lastly she said“I as one of ladies as having been considered as a child from one Chinese family have become one of rail-way attendants to put on uniforms. This makes me, together with GENG Yi, my colleague, worthy of all of you who will be provided with free-of-charge meal cooked for you as quickly as possibly.”

  The above story really gets me reporter touched by Ms. ZHAO Yang’s speaking repeatedly to passengers while she gave them food one by one orderly. That means her action makes her respected by all, especially at this time when heavy rainfall to cause flood hit Mentougou place, Beijing, where the passenger’s train had to stop on the way.

  The rainfall, lasting for near 2-day time, hit Beijing on July 29 and 30, 2023 so much heavily that passenger train No. K396 had to be forced to stop for long-time at mid-way place called Mentougou near Beijing to result from two bed-road collapses. Reportedly, these passengers staying in the passenger’ s train carriage have already moved to a safe place.

  As shown in the above, Ms. ZHAO Yang one of train attendants together with her colleague takes overall on responsibility for passengers’ safety to be ensured during their stay in the train.




  暴雨,由于持续近两天,即,2023年7月 29和30日而引起的水灾发生在北京门头沟特别严重,导致途经北京门头沟的K396列车因水害路基有两处塌方,而被迫长时间停车。因此赵阳和同事完全承担起确保旅客在列车滞留期间安全的责任。据了解,受阻旅客已安全转移。


